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Independent and Public-Spirited Media Foundation, India

Endowment Fund

Independent and Public-Spirited Media Foundation (IPSMF) promotes excellence in independent, public-spirited and socially impactful journalism. MSP’s support enables IPSMF to:

Invest in digital media entities and ventures that focus on public interest issues

Catalyse the distribution of digital public interest content through all outreach platforms, including social and mainstream media

Grow India’s editorial leadership on public interest issues by supporting the work of journalists through grants and fellowships

Influence India’s emerging digital media consumers to participate in the democratic process, by ensuring transparency and information on issues of governance, public policy and socio-economic change

The foundation does not exert any influence on its grantees, nor does it have editorial overview over the content being published.

In the last seven years IPSMF has:

  • Revived and rejuvenated ground reporting in India
  • Supported hyperlocal journalism, which has resulted in a cycle of impact by persuading local administrations to respond to citizen’s aspirations and needs
  • Supported language entities in under-covered regions and communities of India
  • Funded 50+ online digital media entities that employ around 700 journalists, who have produced more than 1.26 lakh stories in the last 4 years alone.

Media entities supported by IPSMF have consistently won recognition and awards within the country and globally, for the quality of their journalism.

IPSMF’s support has enabled grantees to enjoy a ‘share of voice’ in the media ecosystem, beyond the resources at their command. This could not have been possible without critical and generous gifts from public-spirited donors like Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, whose steadfastness and commitment to building an independent media ecosystem has been transformative.

Sunil Rajshekhar, CEO, IPSMF
Since 2017, focusing on environment and climate change, marginalised communities, tribal, fake news and misinformation and hyperlocal journalism
10 M
Over a period of 3 to 4 years, giving grantees lead time to build their own revenue streams towards long term sustainability
100 M
Audience Reach
Per month on social media platforms (60%) and the web (40%)
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