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Strategic Vision



Breakthrough ideas can achieve great outcomes with the right support.

MSP supports bold, new research in science and the arts, believing that both enable us to understand and fundamentally change our world. Science delivers evidence-based knowledge of the world around us. Art imagines and expresses the world within us. Together, they have the potential to drive innovation, elevate our humanity and enrich lives. We also support social impact projects that work towards healthier, better informed and sustainable communities.

An expansive vision is invariably rooted in place and context.

MSP has an expansive vision for global impact but we are acutely mindful of the gap in support for Indian talent and institutions, within the country and overseas. While we will always fund brilliant ideas, regardless of nationality or geography, we focus on invigorating scientific research, as well as art and cultural ecosystems, where Indian talent thrives.

The world needs catalysts to match talent with opportunity, potential with networks, leadership with change.

Reflecting the entrepreneurial spirit of our founders, we are unafraid to take risks in support of institutions and initiatives we believe in. With a philanthropic approach that is engaging, enabling, expanding and, at all times, rigorous, MSP aims to have a catalytic impact on the global research landscape, while also supporting positive social change.

Breakthrough ideas can achieve great outcomes with the right support.

MSP supports bold, new research in science and the arts, believing that both enable us to understand and fundamentally change our world. Science delivers evidence-based knowledge of the world around us. Art imagines and expresses the world within us. Together, they have the potential to drive innovation, elevate our humanity and enrich lives. We also support social impact projects that work towards healthier, better informed and sustainable communities.

An expansive vision is invariably rooted in place and context.

MSP has an expansive vision for global impact but we are acutely mindful of the gap in support for Indian talent and institutions, within the country and overseas. While we will always fund brilliant ideas, regardless of nationality or geography, we focus on invigorating scientific research, as well as art and cultural ecosystems, where Indian talent thrives.

The world needs catalysts to match talent with opportunity, potential with networks, leadership with change.

Reflecting the entrepreneurial spirit of our founders, we are unafraid to take risks in support of institutions and initiatives we believe in. With a philanthropic approach that is engaging, enabling, expanding and, at all times, rigorous, MSP aims to have a catalytic impact on the global research landscape, while also supporting positive social change.


We think of our values as guideposts for our philanthropy. They navigate us to the people, strategies and solutions that unlock our purpose: Impact Research. Advance Humanity.









Our Brand Identity:
The Multiplier

A multiplier generates ripples of change — impelling us to research deeper for answers, inspiring us to reach higher towards a better world. Mazumdar Shaw Philanthropy is a multiplier that pushes the possibilities of ideas and expands the potential of the human mind. Through visionary institutions and bold initiatives, we support Impact Research to Advance Humanity.